Tuesday Indoor Volleyball (Adult co-ed Recreational)

Team Profiles

Tuesday, February 28

PLAYOFFS View Bracket
Click PLAYOFFS to see full bracket!
Click STANDINGS to see final results!
Remember, you are NOT allowed to bring in subs (non-roster players) for the Playoffs. Only official players (on roster) can play during PLAYOFFS! Please wear your jersey and be prepared to show your ID to the official if there are any roster disputes.

Any disputes MUST be raised and addressed BEFORE the game starts. Once the game starts, the results will stand as is. All other rules for the Playoffs are the same as regular season.
Enjoy 50% off apps, 2-4-1 most drinks, and 20% off entrees at Applebee’s on Clark Rd after every game, make sure you wear your SoCo T-shirt to enjoy the discount!
Did you know...
that if you register as a team you can split the team fee among all your teammates so it’s cheaper per person! Get your friends together now and sign up as a team!
Register and pay before the DEADLINE
ALL ROSTERS must be finalized by THE START DATE.
Court 1
6:30 PM
7:30 PM
8:30 PM

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Full Schedule