Wednesday Coed Kickball / Bee Ridge Park (Summer 2024)
Captain and
3 Players in Common
Wednesday Coed Kickball / 17th Street (Spring 2024)
Captain and
3 Players in Common
Wednesday Coed Kickball / 17th Street (Winter 2023)
Captain and
3 Players in Common
Wednesday Coed Kickball / 17th Street (Summer 2023)
Captain and
3 Players in Common
Wednesday Coed Kickball / 17th Street (Spring 2023)
Captain and
3 Players in Common
Wednesday Coed Kickball / 17th Street (Winter 2023)
Captain and
4 Players in Common
Wednesday Coed Kickball / 17th Street (Summer 2022)
3 Players in Common
Wednesday Coed Kickball / 17th Street (Spring 2022)
3 Players in Common
RamRod - Champs
Wednesday Coed Kickball / 17th Street (Spring 2021)
3 Players in Common
Ramrod (hs)
Wednesday Coed Kickball / 17th Street (Summer 2019)
Captain and
4 Players in Common
Ramrod (b)
Wednesday Coed Kickball / Fruitville Park (Spring 2019)
Captain and
4 Players in Common
Wednesday Coed Kickball / Fruitville Park (Winter 2019)
4 Players in Common
Wednesday Coed Kickball / Fruitville Park (Summer 2018)
3 Players in Common
RamRod (a)
2018 "Sunshine Classic" Kickball Tournament (03/03/2018)
3 Players in Common
RamRod (ea)
Wednesday Coed Kickball / Fruitville Park (Winter 2018)
3 Players in Common
RamRod (m) - CHAMPS
Wednesday Coed Kickball / Fruitville Park (Fall 2017)
3 Players in Common
RamRod (m)
Wednesday Coed Kickball / Fruitville (Summer 2017)
3 Players in Common
Ballsy McKickinFace (ma)
2017 "Sunshine Classic" Kickball Tournament (4/1/17)
3 Players in Common
RamRod (M)
Wednesday Coed Kickball / Fruitville (Fall 2 - 2016)
3 Players in Common
RamRod (M)
Wednesday Coed Kickball / Fruitville (Fall 2016)
3 Players in Common
Smack My Pitch Up (M)
Wednesday Coed Kickball / Fruitville (Fall 2016)
3 Players in Common
Zayne's World
2016 Sarasota Field Day
3 Players in Common
RamRod (M) - CHAMPS
Wednesday Coed Kickball / Fruitville (Summer 2016)
3 Players in Common
RamRod (H)
Wednesday Coed Kickball / Fruitville (Spring 2016)
3 Players in Common
RamRod (H)
Wednesday Coed Kickball / Fruitville (Winter 2016)
3 Players in Common
Raw Bar Ringers (H) - CHAMPS
Friday Coed Kickball / 17th Street (Fall 2015)
3 Players in Common
RamRod (H) - CHAMPS
Wednesday Coed Kickball / Fruitville (Fall 2015)
3 Players in Common
Pitch Slapped
Friday Coed Kickball / 17th Street (Summer 2015)
3 Players in Common
Friday Coed Kickball / 17th Street (Summer 2015)
Captain and
3 Players in Common
Wednesday Coed Kickball / Fruitville (Summer 2015)
5 Players in Common
FreeBallers (M) - CHAMPS
Friday Coed Kickball / 17th Street (Spring 2015)
Captain and
5 Players in Common
RamRod (H) - CHAMPS
Wednesday Coed Kickball / Fruitville (Spring 2015)
4 Players in Common
FreeBallers (B) - CHAMPS
Friday Coed Kickball / 17th Street (Winter 2015)
Captain and
7 Players in Common
Team RamRod (B)
Wednesday Coed Kickball / Fruitville (Winter 2015)
5 Players in Common
Friday Coed Kickball / 17th Street (Fall 2014)
Captain and
7 Players in Common
Team RamRod (o)
Wednesday Coed Kickball / Fruitville (Fall 2014)
5 Players in Common
Friday Coed Kickball / 17th Street (Summer 2014)
Captain and
8 Players in Common
Team RamRod - CHAMPS
Wednesday Coed Kickball / Fruitville (Summer 2014)
4 Players in Common
Freeballers (B)
2014 "Sunshine Classic" Kickball Tournament
5 Players in Common
Team RamRod
Wednesday Coed Kickball / Fruitville (Spring 2014)
5 Players in Common
FreeBallers (b) - CHAMPS
Friday Coed Kickball / 17th Street (Winter 2014)
Captain and
7 Players in Common
RamRod (b)
Wednesday Coed Kickball / Fruitville (Winter 2014)
4 Players in Common
Friday Coed Kickball / 17th Street (Fall 2013)
Captain and
6 Players in Common
Ram Rod (B) - CHAMPS
Wednesday Coed Kickball / Fruitville (Fall 2013)
3 Players in Common
Wednesday Coed Kickball / Fruitville (Summer 2013)
3 Players in Common
Friday Coed Kickball / 17th Street (Summer 2013)
Captain and
4 Players in Common
Wednesday Coed Kickball / Fruitville (Spring 2013)
3 Players in Common
Friday Coed Kickball / 17th Street (Spring 2013)
Captain and
4 Players in Common
Freeballin Redrockets
2013 "Sunshine Classic" Kickball Tournament
3 Players in Common
Wednesday Coed Kickball / Fruitville (Winter 2013)
3 Players in Common
Friday Coed Kickball / 17th Street (Winter 2013)
Captain and
3 Players in Common
Friday Kickball (Adult co-ed Recreational)
Captain and
5 Players in Common
Free Ballers
Friday Kickball (Adult co-ed Recreational)
Captain and
4 Players in Common
Friday Kickball (Adult co-ed Recreational)
Captain and
3 Players in Common
Friday Kickball (Adult co-ed Recreational)
Captain and
3 Players in Common